Social media: Connecting the World or Breaking it Apart?
Social media has been a controversial topic since its arrival in the early 2000s; whether it was during the early days, taking the form of Facebook, or now, with the increasing popularity of platforms like TikTok. The dark side of social media has come to light more recently, however, there are also many advantages of this technology. For example, you can acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as keep in contact with friends and family. On the other hand, cyber bullying can take place and addiction can even set in. This discussion will consider each side of the debate carefully and attempt to reach a conclusion on this difficult discussion.
On the one hand, sharing inspirational news and giving positive feedback can be accomplished. It is now common place for people to share their exiting announcements through social media, such as publicising news of pregnancies and engagements, and for younger uses, new family members or school achievements. In addition to this, you can also post positive messages on people’s successes or when they have reached important milestones; you can comment on inspiring announcements such as being in recovery from alcoholism or cancer. This kind of positivity can keep these people motivated to carry on their challenging journey. Although there are many negatives of this technology which are communicated heavily by the media, there are also many positives to be considered- sharing positive news and congratulating someone else leaves both parties feeling optimistic which can only be a good thing!
On the other hand, cyber bullying and hateful content can cause serious damage. The evidence for this is clearly shown through the multitude of celebrities coming out and bravely sharing their stories of ‘trolling’. One of these celebrities includes Jesy Nelson- former member of Little Mix- who received a barrage of backlash and abuse around her body image. Jesy bravely explained how the comments were typically comparing her to the other girls in her group and how this severely damaged her mental health. The most dangerous aspect surrounding this issue is the long-term consequences; once comments have been published and read, although they can be retracted, they do not disappear in their memory- the damage has already been done. This long-term impact can deteriorate someone’s mental state to such a degree that they try to take their own life. Mental health is already at a crisis level and social media is exacerbating the problem.
In conclusion, we have discussed in depth the two sides to this controversial topic. Although there are several positive benefits to this technology, the negatives cannot be ignored. As we discussed, the celebratory feedback and sharing of exiting news can boost one’s mood and the platform helps us stay in contact with friends and family all over the world. In addition to this, social media can raise awareness of important campaigns and allow people to voice things they are passionate about. However, cyber bullying can cause severe damage and mental health issues; equally, you can come across inappropriate content, due to the lack of adequate filters. Comparison and jealousy also contribute to the problem and can cause huge consequences. Considering this carefully, it is too difficult to come down on one side completely, as both arguments are compelling. However overall, I feel the negatives have more of a damaging impact and so outweigh the positives; although kind comments and ‘likes’ can give you an adrenaline rush and make you feel pleased, this benefit is extremely short-term, sometimes lasting minutes. But on the other hand, the negatives have lasting consequences, sometimes lasting a life-time. On the whole, we need to do every thing in out power to protect our mental health- I cannot help but feel that social media only worsens the problem.